Tab Panel

The Tab Panel allows to access functions related to the datasets stored in the databse.


The find tab is the central tool for data management.

1. Find All Entries: Displays all entries stored in the database.

2. Update Record: manually entered values t(e.g. stadium, method, patient) have to be confirmed using this button.

3. Clear Formular: To search for parameters (4.) it is required to clear all field. No data will be deleted.

4. Transfer External: The database manager connect to a external database containing additonal parameters for the individual data sets. These parameters can be accessed by selecting the propriate table from the external listbox. The transfer external button transfers the choosen external parameter from the external database (only available in the pro version).
5. Find: The database can be searched for parameters stored along with the data sets. To find datasets clear formular (3.) and subsequently enter the search string. Found entries are displayed and selectable by the slider. Other entries are hidden.
6. Find External: The external database will be searched. Conditional statements can be used (>, <, =) (i.e. enter "> 0" to search for all data sets containing the selected parameter with a value greater than 0). This functionality is only available in the pro version.
7. Delete Active: Deletes the active data set from the database.
8. Delete All Found: Deletes all currently selectable datasets from the database.
9. Cycle Found: All currently selected data sets can be shown in a cyclic change. To stop the cycling click this button again.
10. Cancel: Closes the database manager.
11. Memory: Loads the currently selected dataset into the memory. The data of the current view will be removed.
12. Get Current: Loads the currently selected dataset into the current view of Spectromania.
13. Correct Baseline and Rescale: During the "Memory" and "Get Current" operations the selected dataset can be modified by baseline corrections and rescaling prior to loading (see Tab- Rescale Options for details)


The 2D Tab is used to push data sets from the database manager to the memory layer of Spectromania.

1. Clear Memory : Deletes all data currently present in the memory layer.
2. Add All: Adds all selectable datasets to the memory layer.
3. Add One: Adds the currently selected dataset to the memory layer.
4. Correct Baseline and Rescale: The datasets can be modified by baseline correction and rescaling prior to loading to memory (see Tab-Rescale Options for details).
5. Target Variable: There are two possibilities to define a variable adjactent to a dataset: The Meta options or the Peptide option. The Meta options can be selected in a drop down menu. The corresponding field will be used as the target variable. The peptide options allows the select the signal intensity of a given position (x and y value) as a target varible.


The Export Tab is used to create a tab delimited text file containing data according to a previously generated or loaded position list. The exported data can optinally be modified by baseline correction and rescaling prior to saving (see Rescale options for details). Data from an external database can be added (pro version only).


Rescale Options

This Tab is used to set rescaling preferences. You can choose between three methods. Each spectra will be rescaled according to your selection. The data can either be rescaled by
1. setting a maximum value
2. setting an average value or
3. setting a fixed value to 100% (absolute scaling)

1. and 2. offer the possibility to define a mass range, the intensity level and a cut-off level.


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